5 Ways to achieve financial Freedom at earliest


Financial freedom is the ability to enjoy your life with fun and without worry about funds.

Everyone has their own criteria for financial freedom hence it varies from person to person. 

Some have financial freedom and may think of early retirement and travelling the world while others may think of quitting a job and starting their own business for financial freedom. 

Hence the definition of financial freedom varies from individual to individual. Since everyone has their own goal and circumstances. 

For example, 

A person from a low-income group may feel financially free when they have no debt or loan and their earnings and savings are sufficient for their survival. 

On the other hand, a high-income group of people may feel insecure financially due to a lot of loans.

A fixed-salary employee may have financial freedom but a businessman with a turnover of business in the millions may not be financially free. 

How to achieve financial freedom?

To achieve financial freedom you can take the following steps:

1 Earn Extra.

Whether you are in services or doing your own business you have the opportunity to earn extra. 

While in services you can do some part-time work or some creative work that can provide you extra income.

In business, you can earn extra by adding new products, extending territories, opening stores in other cities or countries, creating your business website and growing online.

Nowadays opportunities are available and the only thing you required is your mindset to earn extra.

Related page:

How to earn money online?   

2 Pay off Debt.

Debts are the main barrier to achieving financial freedom. 

Banks and financial institutions are eagerly waiting for the clients and provide easy loans to trap you. It may be a home loan, car loan, personal loan, business loan or mortgage loan for business.

As banks and financial institutions' main earnings are from interest.

Whatsoever you earn goes in interest on the debt and your main debt remains intact for years. 

Hence it is better to pay off debt at the earliest possible. This will give you freedom from the financial cage. 

3 Spend less

Normally we are governed by the big companies and markets that attract us by creating needs and boosting our desires. It leads to unnecessary expenses.

Define your important and basic needs and spend money on your needs not on your luxury desires.

By spending less you can free yourself from debt and get financial freedom at the earliest.

Secure your Future

4 Start Savings

Savings are the instrument to achieve financial freedom at the earliest. 

You can start saving every month with a very little amount around 10% of your earnings. 

You can open a recurring deposit account in a bank or in a post office in India.

You can start saving by investing a small amount every month in mutual funds.

Related page:

How to Earn Money by Investing in Mutual Funds   

5 Set Financial Goal:

Progress in life is very difficult until and unless you don't have some goal in your life.

With a certain goal, you are motivated and try to achieve your goal. 

By setting a financial goal you can achieve financial freedom at the earliest.

For example,

You can set a goal to earn a big amount in a certain time period. 

Your first goal should be to pay off debt.

You can also set your financial goal to save a certain amount of money in a certain time period.

You can also fix a big goal depending on your requirements.  


Achieving financial freedom is possible by following the above tips and taking steps towards your goal. With your hard work, dedication and patience you can achieve financial freedom at the earliest.   

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